Best home remedy to lose abdominal fat without exercise

You can lose that belly fat, without exercising, and we’re going to show you 10 ways to do it, right now!

We’ve collected the top 10 best home remedies for losing belly fat from all around the world, and we’re going to tell you about all of them and how to use them too!

#1- Stop drinking soda and drink cranberry juice instead

Sure, soda tastes great, but cranberry juice tastes just as good and is much healthier for you. A potent provider of vitamin C, antioxidants, minerals and organic acid, cranberry juice burns abdominal fat like a flashlight. We recommend that you make your own with fresh cranberries, as the brands you buy in stores are very rich in sugar. You can also buy cranberries in the frozen section all year round. It may take some time to get used to not drinking your fave soda, but once you see the flat stomach results of drinking fresh, healthy cranberry juice, you will be hooked!

#2- Start eating chia seeds daily

Easy to find and use in your daily food, and packed with antioxidants, fiber, protein and omega 3 fatty acids, chia seeds are amazing to help you trim your tummy without exercise. We recommend using hydrated Chia Seeds, not dry, and start adding them to your breakfast every day. Add them to smoothies, sprinkle them on your scrambled eggs or make some pancakes with egg whites, banana puree and chia seeds. The protein will help you feel fuller and burn off more of that jelly belly!

#3- Burn the belly fat with green tea

A potent detoxifier, green tea is more than just a soothing green drink. Like coffee, it has caffeine, which studies show burns fat when taken in healthy portions. Even better, it is rich in catechins, antioxidants that not only burn belly fat, but also give your skin a healthy glow when you rest! The best? Whipping up a cup of green only takes a few minutes, so you can drink it all day to smooth out your tummy!

#4- Start adding cayenne pepper to your diet

You eat a pepper and what happens? Your body temperature shoots up and reacts by switching to “cool down” mode. This increases your metabolism to help you burn calories faster. If you want a real fat-burning booster, crush cayenne pepper and ginger and add them together to your daily meals. The effect will make you feel full and crush those hunger cravings to burst your stomach and shed even more pounds.

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